SCVHA - Private Project Application

Questions regarding the need for this application or how to fill it out should be directed to the jurisdictional Planning Department (County of Santa Clara, City of Gilroy, City of Morgan Hill or City of San Jose). This application must be filled out and submitted online but may be saved for completion at a later time. Upon submission, the application will be reviewed by the appropriate planning or building office. The individual listed as Project Applicant will be notified if additional information is needed and/or when the application is deemed complete and electronic payment of Habitat Plan fees may be submitted for project coverage.

Resources for Completing this Application: Answering many of the questions in this application will require accessing the Santa Clara Valley Habitat Agency Geobrowser. The Geobrowser provides maps to identify the Habitat Plan Permit Area, Private Development Areas, Urban Service Areas, Land Cover, Fee Zones and Plant and Wildlife Survey Areas. Please note that in addition to standard land cover fees, certain specialty fees may apply to a project depending on its location. These specialty fees may include serpentine or burrowing owl habitat and any aquatic resources. Check the Geobrowser for all potential fee zones. The Fees and Conditions Worksheet is a planning tool that provides guidance for land cover mapping requirements, fees, and conditions that may apply to your project.


Effective Date:

Copy address information from "Property Owner" section.




FY 2024-25

FY 2024-25

Upload GIS Attachments *
You can upload one or more files. *
Project Description *
Vicinity Map *
Site Plan *
Condition Compliance Documentation *
Site Photographs of Temporary Impact Areas *
Map of Wetlands, Ponds, Streams, and Riparian Woodlands *
Qualified Biologist Resume(s) *
You can upload one or more files. *
You can upload one or more files.
You can upload one or more files.
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